CCTV services

CCTV cameras, as well as visual transponders, video software solutions, camera apps, and a comprehensive assortment of peripherals, are all available from us. We create a unique CCTV security system to match any budget, and we have the experience to offer the best equipment and solution for your requirements. From single cameras to multi-level monitoring and remote administration, we provide a comprehensive CCTV solution for every issue you encounter. Allow us to demonstrate how cost-effective a CCTV camera can be, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is safe at all times.
We are specialized in delivering services for retail outlets, supermarkets, academic facilities, clinics & medical, the finance sector, banking, government facilities, city & urban monitoring, industrial-military complex sites, and the safeguarding of vital infrastructure.

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Security & Surveillance

Empower Your Protection with Moshin Group's Surveillance Expertise.

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Wireless Surveillance Solutions

Unleash Seamless Security with Moshin Group's Wireless Surveillance Solutions.

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Every Circumstance Will Be Under Your Control With Our CCTV Services

In recent days, the surge in burglary, robbery, and violence has resulted in extraordinary growth in the deployment of CCTV security systems. CCTV Services security devices are an excellent monitoring tool as well as a barrier. Thousands of offenders have been apprehended thanks to the use of CCTV monitoring. Moshin groups provide peace of mind to you, your employees, and your clients, particularly in situations like car parks, poorly lit places, and other areas where people feel insecure.

Yes, you can deploy the EasyViewer app from the app store to see live or archived images as long as there is internet availability.
Yes, there is a maximum limit in the hundreds, but network latency, we wouldn't suggest more than 5 persons logging in on a regular network. This is considering the amount of bandwidth used by each subscriber to transmit all of the video feed from each camera.
Yes, any camera can digitally zoom. Optical zoom is only accessible on an auto-focus or PTZ camera if you want it.


It seems without saying having a CCTV camera placed on your property will serve as a strong deterrence to burglars and others who engage in unlawful activity. The presence of a CCTV camera conveys a sense of threat and the authority of the law, discouraging anybody from committing a crime. As a result, installing a CCTV camera in your own house is vital.

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  • High-quality video footage aids in the investigation of crimes and boosts the number of arrests made by private security and law enforcement organizations.
  • It helps you save money by discovering operational problems.
  • It acts as a disincentive to people who may otherwise be dishonest.
  • Video evidence frequently eliminates or greatly minimizes the risk of lawsuits arising from false or frivolous allegations.
  • All too frequently, businesses discover that merchandise or money has gone missing weeks later.
  • These problems are frequently solved by having video records available to analyze. Allow video to assist your company's existing budget by tracking client patterns, identifying individuals, recording license plates, and more.
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